The Parish SVP group are once again running their popular Curry and Quiz Night on Saturday 9th November in the Parish Hall at 7.30pm to raise funds for those in need - this has been used to help local families facing hardship as well as our sister groups in India.
Teams can be up to 8 people - if there are just a few of you, we can buddy you up with others to make a group of 8. Cost is £15 per person. The ticket price covers entry, snacks through the evening, curry at the interval and fruits. Bring your own drinks and glasses. Raffle and prizes on the night!
To book and secure your team’s place or for further details, email SVPSE12@gmail.com. Advance payment will be required, to be made to:
St Vincent de Paul Society, Lee Green
a/c number: 46076867 Sort Code: 60-60-04
This is a very popular social evening and we hope you can join us and support the work of SVP in the community.
If you can't make the quiz, you can simply make a donation.