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The SVP meet once every month in the Presbytery at 7:30 pm.


The St Vincent de Paul Society (England & Wales) is part of an international Christian voluntary network dedicated to tackling poverty in all its forms by providing practical assistance to people in need. Founded in Britain in 1844, we foster diverse and inclusive connections, as a Society that is welcoming of people of all faiths and none. We joyfully extend our hand in the care and personal service of individuals and families who need support.

The parish conference has been in operation for many years and in its current guise since February 2017. It began with eight members and today numbers around twelve. The group is very active supporting the elderly, isolated, sick and those struggling with poverty. On average, the group spends at least an hour a day supporting people in the local community. This is in the form of phone calls, visits, errands, help with paperwork and bills, gardening, running coffee mornings and supporting hard-pressed families through St Winifred’s Catholic primary school. The group raises funds to support its sister conferences in India as well as sponsoring students there to get through school, all the way to university.


The group is coordinated and supported by the president Marc Francois, secretary Aidan Cunningham and treasurer Anne-Marie Fox. Other members include Johann Abraham, Annette Broderick, Mick Broderick, Linda Carton, Pam Edeh, Carmel Lawrence, Zubie Patel, Ed Tullet and Maudeline Videlingum.

New members very much welcomed. How much time you can spare is down to you, we are very flexible and welcome all.

The group normally meets monthly, every second Tuesday at 7pm in the presbytery.

To find out more, call 07311 625332 or email

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