Children’s Liturgy takes place in term time at the 9am Family Mass and is open to all children from 3 to 7 years of age.
There has been a Children’s Liturgy group in the parish for over 30 years. We meet at 9am Mass every Sunday in term time. We aim to provide children from 3 to 7 years old with opportunities through prayer, song, and activities to discover the Word of God and reflect on how they might follow Jesus in their own lives. We mirror the Liturgy of the Word being celebrated in the main church but in a way that young children can understand. The group re-join their families in the main church in time for the offertory. Some of the children will participate in the offertory procession.
Children are invited at the start of Mass to participate in their own Liturgy of the Word service in the upstairs room of the Church. All children are welcome until the year in which they are preparing for First Holy Communion. Pre-school children should be accompanied by a parent. If a school age child is unsure a parent is also very welcome to stay with them until they feel settled.
All members of the team are DBS checked and there will aways be two members on duty each Sunday. We would very much welcome more parishioners to volunteer as leaders or supporters. Please contact one of the members of the group or Father Emeka if you would like to join the team. You will have to agree to be DBS checked
Current members are Annette Broderick, Zubie Patel, Joanna Porritt.